Discord Player

Adding events to your bot

Learn how to add discord-player events to your bot

Player state changes get emitted as events. You can attach to a particular listener to keep track of them.

List of all available events

The most commonly used listeners and their sample implementation are listed below:

Add these in your index.js where you initialized the Discord Player instance

General events

queue.metadata.send() is used here to send a message to the interaction channel.

For this example to work, you will need to pass interaction.channel as the metadata while executing the play command. Check the example below

player.events.on('playerStart', (queue, track) => {
  // Emitted when the player starts to play a song
  queue.metadata.send(`Started playing: **${track.title}**`);
player.events.on('audioTrackAdd', (queue, track) => {
  // Emitted when the player adds a single song to its queue
  queue.metadata.send(`Track **${track.title}** queued`);
player.events.on('audioTracksAdd', (queue, track) => {
  // Emitted when the player adds multiple songs to its queue
  queue.metadata.send(`Multiple Track's queued`);
player.events.on('playerSkip', (queue, track) => {
  // Emitted when the audio player fails to load the stream for a song
  queue.metadata.send(`Skipping **${track.title}** due to an issue!`);
player.events.on('disconnect', (queue) => {
  // Emitted when the bot leaves the voice channel
  queue.metadata.send('Looks like my job here is done, leaving now!');
player.events.on('emptyChannel', (queue) => {
  // Emitted when the voice channel has been empty for the set threshold
  // Bot will automatically leave the voice channel with this event
  queue.metadata.send(`Leaving because no vc activity for the past 5 minutes`);
player.events.on('emptyQueue', (queue) => {
  // Emitted when the player queue has finished
  queue.metadata.send('Queue finished!');
await player.play(channel, query, {
  nodeOptions: {
    metadata: interaction.channel,

Debug events

player.on('debug', async (message) => {
  // Emitted when the player sends debug info
  // Useful for seeing what dependencies, extractors, etc are loaded
  console.log(`General player debug event: ${message}`);
player.events.on('debug', async (queue, message) => {
  // Emitted when the player queue sends debug info
  // Useful for seeing what state the current queue is at
  console.log(`Player debug event: ${message}`);

Error events

player.events.on('error', (queue, error) => {
  // Emitted when the player queue encounters error
  console.log(`General player error event: ${error.message}`);
player.events.on('playerError', (queue, error) => {
  // Emitted when the audio player errors while streaming audio track
  console.log(`Player error event: ${error.message}`);

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